Category Archives: Pictures

Iowa and a bit of Missouri today!

Iowa and a little bit of Missouri today! Both states are full of rolling hills and big fluffy clouds. I love it. ?

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Now, Nebraska.

Nebraska may be flat, but it does have this…thing. So there’s that.

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Wyoming is pretty.

Wyoming is pretty. It’s also very lacking in trees along I80. But still pretty. ?

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Hello, Salt Lake City. ?

Hello, Salt Lake City. ?

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Flying over the Southwest….

Flying over the Southwest is like flying over Shiara. ?

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It’s going to be a long day.

I’ve been up since a time I sometimes go to sleep and I am side-eyeing morning so hard right now. BUT, worth it. I’m at the airport heading to Salt Lake City to join Cait Greer! Then we road trip back to Florida from Utah. It should be amazing! Expect a lot of pictures! ?

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It’s a book!

Look what came today! It’s a book! Island of Exiles is a real thing, and there’s only a few more months until it’ll be a book that you guys can read too!

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I really want to know….

I really want to know what happens every day between 3 and 5 AM.

Street sweepers?
A convention of cop cars?
A portal to another dimension?
Does the whole row of parking spots just vanish into the ether for two hours?

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I’m on LGBTQ Reads!

Today I’m featured on LGBTQ Reads! In the interview I talk about asexuality, MOGAI rep, books, writing, and more. I also compare the LGBTQ YA community to a dragon. Because of course. ?

Better Know an Author: Erica Cameron

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Onward I march….

Didn’t finish the book this weekend, so onward I march. Ever upward. Kind of like Sisyphus.

I should buy stock in Starbucks at this point…

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