Hello, Salt Lake City. ?
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I’ve been up since a time I sometimes go to sleep and I am side-eyeing morning so hard right now. BUT, worth it. I’m at the airport heading to Salt Lake City to join Cait Greer! Then we road trip back to Florida from Utah. It should be amazing! Expect a lot of pictures! ?
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The view from the air as my plane left #Vegas last night. It’s an interesting city and I had so much fun spending time with my author/reader/industry darlings! Here’s to seeing them all again in Atlanta at #RT17! ?
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My office for the next couple hours before I have to go to the library event this afternoon! It’s cool, breezy, and peaceful here. Here’s hoping it helps with the words.
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I’m missing my road trip today so I changed out my desktop picture. Colorado was absolutely spectacular when I drove through. I want to go back!
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I start the last leg of my 2015 road trip today! After a brief stop in Tallahassee, I’ll be back in Fort Lauderdale for the indefinite future. I’ll miss the freedom of a new state every few days!
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Gorgeous sunset on the last night of #UtopYA2015! I had so much fun hanging out with all the amazing authors who attended! (at Milennium Maxwell House)
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