Category Archives: Travel

SoCal, research, and the great cupcake overdose of 2012

Treasure Island Beach

When writing a book set in a place you’ve never been, it’s a good idea to get pictures and information from the locals. When writing seven you better get your behind on a plane.

Luckily for me, my co-author Lani not only lives near the area we’re writing in, she has birthdays. Every year in fact! Almost like clockwork or something. It’s weird. This year we combined a research trip and a birthday trip and got an epic weekend of awesome things! And I have pictures to prove it!

The weekend involved sightseeing, author pictures, visiting beaches and restaurants we want to use in the books, bonfires, and book events. And a whole hell of a lot of cupcakes. And really beautiful, cool weather, which was an added bonus. We plotted out an entire book we had nothing for before and spent time together in person instead of on Skype–another bonus!

Below the link are some pictures from the trip that I loved. I can’t wait until we meet up again. Maybe next time it’ll be on my side of the country!

Sunsets are gorgeous over the beach
Bonfires are better at the beach
Author signing in Encinitas

Sherman Library Gardens
Otters live in gardens!
Table Rock Beach

Table Rock Beach

Treasure Island Beach

Cupcakes! Sooo many cupcakes!

Sometimes research is one of the best things about writing.

Air Travel (c) gimbok

In the name of research, I have crossed the country! Okay, also in the name of friendship and vacations and birthdays and cupcakes and just because, but research shall also happen!

Lani Woodland and I are working on multiple projects together and, somehow, they’ve all end up set in and around Los Angeles and Laguna. Now, this is okay for her because she lives within an hour of those locations but it’s not so easy for me to swing by and get a feel for the place considering I live about as far south in Florida as you can get before you hit the Keys. So what happens when you combine a birthday present with the need to research a place for a book? Apparently, you get a cross-country weekend trip! Or, I do anyway.

I flew out of Florida last night and today we head for Laguna! We’ll be scoping locations and scenery and lifestyle. We’ll be trying out the restaurants and talking to the people. All in the name of authenticity, you know. But also in the name of how-much-awesome-can-we-shove-into-one-weekend?

Look for pictures and updates next week! Hope you guys have an awesome weekend, too!

Pictures: More From NYC

I promised to post more pictures from my NYC trip a while ago, but never got around to it. Well, here they are! A few of my favorites, anyway. There are too many to post them all! 🙂

An ad on a subway. It’s so true!

Central Park

Twas a Twilight reunion! Why am I always so tall???

I love Times Square. <3

Lincoln Center

From the Top of the Rock. I love this shot.

Looking north from Tribeca
All photos creative commons Erica Cameron 2012

Storytime: More Inspired by Rory’s Storycubes

A note: This is a first draft and unedited except to look for typos. The inspiration came from four Story Cubes, which are pictured here. What took shape surprised me both in length and the level of back-story that came with it. I like it, but be prepared! It’s a little long…

Okay. It’s more than a little long. Hopefully, you like it anyway. 🙂


Switching applications on my phone, I check the timer again. Sixteen hours, thirty-seven minutes, and fifteen seconds. As frustrating as the snow delays were at the beginning, now I’m nearly delirious from lack of sleep and it’s almost funny. Maybe I should make it into a game. How long can the weather keep a couple thousand northeastern passengers grounded and locked inside airport terminals? Turning my head to make sure my luggage is still undisturbed, I thank my mother for her fear of lost luggage. Except for food, I have everything I need to survive here for a few days. Hopefully, it won’t be necessary.

I sit up, adjusting my position against the pillar that had one of the few open outlets and wishing I had a pillow to sit on. The carpet isn’t much of a cushion over what feels like a concrete floor. Stretching my legs out in front of me to ease the cramps out of my back, I fold forward and rest my head on my knees. The position is surprisingly comfortable and I feel myself start to drift into a semi-conscious doze when something hard slams against my ankle.

“Damnit!” I hear someone shout.

Jerking upright, I open my eyes in time to see two books go tumbling just past my feet and a laptop still in midair. Lunging forward, I stretch my arms out and barely make contact with the corner of the computer. It’s not enough to stop it from hitting the floor, but it does slow it enough to minimize the damage. A guy with curly brown hair and a black leather jacket hits his knees just after his laptop hits the floor and grumbles something I can’t understand. He looks vaguely familiar, but I’m not thinking clearly right now and I can’t seem to place him.

Shaking his head, he straightens up and I catch sight of his face.

“I’m so sorry,” he says. “But that was a nice catch.”

I don’t hear him if he says anything else because I’m laughing too hard. If I wasn’t sleep deprived, this situation would be anything but funny, but what are the odds that sixteen hours into a massive airport delay the boy who broke up with me for no reason six months ago would literally fall at my feet.

“Lyla?” he asks. Even though I can’t see him through my watery eyes, I can almost hear the color draining from his face. “I–umm, I mean I just…”

He trails off, but it takes a minute for me to get myself under control. Nathan Bradley broke my heart and the last thing I want is for him to know that. I wipe my eyes and blink to clear my vision, locking my smile on my face.

“Still can’t help falling for me, can you, Nate?” 

He goes from pale to flushed in the blink of an eye.

“I–umm… How long have you been here?”

I smirk, but let him change the subject. Switching to the timer app on my phone, I tell him. “Sixteen hours, forty-three minutes, and thirty-six seconds. Thirty-seven seconds. Thirty-eight seconds.”

Nate smiles. “Literal as always.”

Shrugging, I drop my phone to my lap and look up into his warm amber eyes. It hits me again, how much I miss him. I try not to let that show on my face as I ask, “What are you doing here?”

He flushes again and looks away to finish gathering the books he dropped. I expect him to make some excuse and walk away, but he doesn’t. Instead he drops his backpack and his books into a pile next to my luggage and sits next to me on the hard floor. He still won’t meet my eyes, but he hasn’t run away.

Nathan and I met at school in North Carolina where he was a graduate student and I was working on my undergrad degree, but we’re in New York now and he’s not from New York. His family lives in Texas and California. There is no reason for him to be prowling LaGuardia.

Unless he’s here looking for you, one pathetic voice in my head suggests. I push that hope away because ideas like that will only lead to heartbreak. Again.

“I met some friends in the City for New Years,” he says after a minute.

Even though I expected a reason that had nothing to do with me, the pain of being right still sucks.

I nod and wish he hadn’t sat down next to me. Leave, I tell him silently. You’re good at it, so just go already.

Another minute passes and he’s still sitting there next to me. I can feel the heat of his presence radiating off of him. One of the things I loved about Nate was even when he’s sitting there doing nothing, I couldn’t ignore him. Something about his presence drew me like a magnet and I was hooked before I even knew who he was. It took three months for me to get up the courage to talk to him, four more months to work up the nerve to ask him out, and then I lived in a strange state of bliss for the next nine months until one day he told me he couldn’t see me anymore and walked out of my life. He never explained why and I never got the chance to ask him. The coward transferred schools.

“You mind if I stay here?” he finally says. “My phone is about to die and I haven’t seen any other open plugs.”

A petty desire to shake my head and banish him from my presence grows, but I squash it down. I will be the grown-up here even if it kills me.

Nate opens one of the pouches on his backpack and pulls out a long, tangled cord. It takes him a minute to unravel the knots, but eventually he gets his phone plugged in and leans back against the pillar. Much too close for comfort. I scoot away and try to ignore him, concentrating on my book, but it’s no use. I never have been able to ignore Nathan Bradley and I never will.

We sit in uncomfortable silence for a few minutes before he starts digging through his backpack again. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a familiar package.

“Want some? he asks, holding out a bag of my favorite trail mix. I’d meant to get some before I got to the airport, but ran out of time. Glancing up at Nate, I raise an eyebrow. He blushes again–I always loved how easily he blushed–but doesn’t look away this time.

“You kind of got me hooked,” he explains.

“You couldn’t stand the stuff when…” I trail off, but I can see he knows the rest of the sentence. When we were together.

He shrugs and looks away. “It grew on me.”

I take the bag from his still outstretched hand and try not to turn his words over in my head. Even the week he broke up with me, he protested my choice in snacks. If this trail mix grew on him, it could only have done it after he’d run out of my life. Pouring out a handful, I give him the bag back, trying not to spaz when his fingers brush mine and sparks I’d almost forgotten existed shoot through my arm.

God, I missed that feeling. It was one thing I didn’t expect from Nathan, the way a single stroke of his hand could drive me crazy. Closing my eyes, I let my head drop back against the pillar and try not to remember the first night we spent together. My first night with anyone, though I’m still not sure if he knows that. He was so gentle, almost as though he was afraid I’d break or vanish before his eyes. I adored how he treated me like something precious and fragile without making me feel incompetent or ridiculously girly. If anything, when I was with Nathan, I felt like I could accomplish anything I set my mind to because he had complete faith in me. Or, at least, I thought he did. Now I’m not so sure.

“You’re heading back to school?” he asks, breaking into my memories.

I nod, but don’t open my eyes.

He asks a couple more questions about people we both know, but each word out of his mouth peels away a layer of the skin I’d finally managed to grow over the wound he created and after a while I can’t take it anymore.

“Look, I don’t know what it’s like with your other ex-girlfriends, but I can’t do this.” I push to my feet and start collecting my things. Another plug will open up at some point. It doesn’t matter as long as I get away from him before I start to cry. My chest burns and my eyes are filling quickly. I don’t have much time left. “It was nice to see you and all. Bye.”

I don’t even get two steps before he pulls my suitcase out of my hand, grabs my wrist, and pulls me back to our spot.

“Lyla, please,” he whispers, his lips so close to my ear I can feel his breath dance across my skin. “I need–I need to say something. Please don’t leave. Let me say what I need to say and if you still want me to leave, I’ll go.”

Taking a deep breath, I risk looking up into his eyes. His skin is pale, his eyes are wide, and he’s biting the inside of his cheek the way he always does when he’s nervous. All that is enough to sway me, but when completely does me in is the way he sucks in a shuddering breath and whispers, “Please?”

Without meaning to, I nod. My willpower has completely deserted me and I don’t fight when he takes my purse and pulls me back to the floor. I don’t care that’s we’re in the middle of a crowded terminal or that giving him a chance to talk will probably only cause me to fall back into the black hole of depression I barely clawed my way out of, but I can’t help it. This guy has been my weak spot since the first time I saw him sleeping in the library after pulling an all-nighter.

Even after we’re sitting down, he doesn’t let go of my left hand. My skin tingles where his thumb rubs along the back of my hand and I can’t seem to keep tears from slowly escaping the corners of my eyes. He sees this and lifts his other hand, gently wiping my cheeks dry and leaving a trail of fire behind. I can feel my skin flushing, but I can’t look away from his eyes.

“I lied.” I blink and he clears his throat before clarifying. “About why I came up here. I didn’t come here with friends. I came because even if I couldn’t spend the holidays with you I wanted to be nearby.”

My heart stops. I am jelly in his hands already and all I can do is silently beg, Don’t say nice things and break my heart again. I can’t survive losing you twice.

“I finally worked up the nerve to go see you yesterday, but I was too late. You’d already left for the airport.”

He squeezes my hand tighter and cups my cheek in his other hand. The contact sends me reeling and I have to close my eyes to keep from lunging forward and locking my arms around his neck. Once I do that I know I’m never letting go again. I can’t let him overpower me this fast. I don’t even know where he’s going with this yet.

“You don’t know why I left.”

That’s just unfair. I open my eyes and glare into his. “You never gave me the chance to ask.”

His hand drops away from my face and I feel the loss like a blow to my chest. “Because I couldn’t explain it then. I didn’t even understand it.”

“Is this supposed to be making me feel better?”

I try to pull my hand out of his grasp, but Nate won’t let go. “Let me get through this, Lyla, all right?”

“I don’t owe you anything,” I hiss, trying to pull my hand away and failing again.

“No, you don’t. But I owe you.”

I can’t argue with that, so I don’t try. Instead, I bite my tongue and try not to break down.

Nathan stares into my eyes, his gaze steady and strong even though his skin still looks too pale and his hand is shaking in mine. “No one I’ve ever dated has dug into my life as deep or as fast as you did. You were outspoken and strong and fearless and gorgeous and you scared the shit out of me. I love you so much it terrifies me, Lyla.”

My mouth drops open, but I no words escape. I seem to have forgotten how to speak. He loves me? He’s never told me he loves me. Did he really just tell me he loves me?

He swallows and clears his throat, his gorgeous eyes dropping from mine to rest on my lips and then down at my hand. His caresses start again, this time running along my knuckles.

“I felt like all of a sudden my entire life had been decided for me, like I didn’t have a choice anymore. Should’ve just gone with it, but I did what I always do when I can’t face reality–I ran away from it.”

Nate looks up and his stare is so intense I can feel it burning through me. It always felt like he should be able to read my thoughts if he wanted to, but he never seemed to be able to.

“I am so sorry I hurt you, Lyla,” he whispers, leaning closer. His free hand dips into his jacket pocket and he pulls something out, but it’s hidden in the palm of his hand. “I’ve always been an idiot when it comes to you, but cutting you out of my life was like trying to live without my lungs. I can’t do it anymore. And I’m really hoping I won’t have to.”

My breath catches as he opens his hand and flips open a ring box with his thumb. Inside, instead of a diamond solitaire is a flower made of gemstones with a brilliant blue center stone surrounded by diamond and emerald studded leaves and an etched white gold band.

“Lyla Lillian Saunders, will you please let me spend the rest of my life trying to make up for not seeing you were the best thing that ever happened to me?” 

Shock locks me in place and before I can say a thing he pulls the ring out of the box and slides it into place on my hand. It’s a perfect fit and it looks like it’s always been there. My hand curls into a fist just in case he suddenly changes his mind and tries to take it off again.

I tear my eyes away from the ring and look up at Nathan. He’s watching me closely, holding his breath, and waiting for my answer.

“Are you sure, Nate? Really sure? Because I can’t live through watching you walk away twice. I don’t have it in me.”

His eyes brighten and his cheeks flush. “I am absolutely certain. I love you and I’m not letting go this time.”

I stare into his eyes and see none of the doubts and dark corners that plagued him before. He’s sure. He loves me.

In the next second I throw myself into his lap, press my lips against his, and lock my arms around his neck. His hands come around my waist and he groans softly, that rumbly noise that always makes me smile. His touch sends lightning through my veins and fills my head with a rainbow of lights. I never want it to end. I’m only vaguely aware that people around us are laughing and cheering, that our supposedly private conversation wasn’t quite quiet enough to escape the attention of the surrounding crowd, but I couldn’t care less. I’m back in the arms of the only man I’ve ever loved and this time, I’m never letting go.

Food: Where To Go In NYC

My recent trip to NYC kinda revolved around eating, and I was totally okay with that! The funniest thing was that some of my favorite places were the ones we discovered accidentally. So, from my recent NYC trip, I bring you places I would DEFINITELY visit again. Just in case you’re in the area and are looking for a recommendation. 🙂

 Plum Pizzaria
157 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10003
Between 9th and 10th Street
phone: (212) 375-9555

Everyone I went here with ordered something different and all of us were in awe of how deliciously delicious it all was. I highly recommend the norma bruschetta with roasted eggplant, fresh sliced tomato and feta cheese. OMG yum!

1634 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
Between 50th and 51st Street
phone: (212) 586-3100

I am not always a fan of Chinese or Thai food (Japanese I adore, however), but the salmon dish I ordered here was shockingly nummy! And it came with some kind of ginger curry over rice that I could have eaten a triple helping of.

 Meme Mediterranean 

581 Hudson St, New York, NY 10014
Near corner of Bank St and Hudson St
phone: (646) 692-8450

All I knew was that I was in the mood for Mediterranean food, so we looked online and found this place… AND I AM SO GLAD WE DID! My friend and I ordered a bunch of different things to share and it was all fantastic. 

Trattoria Spaghetto
232 Bleeker St, New York, NY 10014
On the corner of Bleeker St. and Carmine St.
phone: (212) 255-6752

Relatively inexpensive and family friendly, this place was a true accidental find, but it was worth it. Great Italian cuisine set in a adorable neighborhood.

Grammercy Tavern
42 East 20th St, New York, NY 10003
Between Park Avenue South and Broadway

Not an accidental find, but even expecting to enjoy this restaurant I thought it wouldn’t be worth the high price tag. I was wrong. The food was incredible and the service made the night unforgettable.

West 45th St, New York, NY 10036
Between Broadway and 8th Ave.
phone: (212) 302-2000

The Junior’s website and Google maps can’t agree on the address, but the comfort food (especially the cheesecake) is fantastic anyway! 

Alice’s Tea Cup
156 E 64th St, New York, NY 10021
Just off Lexington Ave
phone: (212) 486-9200

I’m normally not a fan of English teas or breakfast in general, but this adorable little tea shop was enough to change my mind. Their scones crumble in your hands and their food is delicious! Plus the Alice decor throughout always gives you something interesting to look at.

Halal Guys
Somewhere around 53rd St and 6th Ave
Wherever they set up
phone: N/A

No trip to NYC is complete without street food and this place is one of the best I’ve ever found. Usually on the corner of 53rd and 6th, they open at 7 pm and run until 5 am serving the best chicken and rice I’ve ever had. And it’s only $6!

Recap: BEA 2012

The first sight of the Javits Center (I’m not gonna lie) made me a little scared. How in the world was I going to see everything they stuffed inside a building this huge in only three days?! I’m telling you right now, I didn’t do it. I missed things. I missed a lot of people, books, events, talks, conferences, and I don’t even know what else. For anyone who hasn’t gone but plans on attending, it’s impossible. DO NOT go there with the hope or the expectation of seeing it all. It won’t happen and you’ll only be disappointed. Plus, you’ll end up stressing yourself out. And that’s never fun.

Technically, BEA ran from Monday-Thursday, but the main exhibition hall wasn’t open on Monday. In fact, a lot of the displays were still in pieces. I know because Lani and I walked around almost tripping on piles of plywood and rolled up carpets. We used the time to get out badges before the lines got crazy long and also to learn the layout of the floor. One thing I will say for the organizers, the exhibition hall was very well labeled. I rarely had a hard time finding my way around! Having attended more than a few large scale conventions in other industries, I know that this level of organization isn’t easy. I applaud whoever was in charge of that exhibition hall. Fabulous job!

Before flying out to NYC, I went online and looked at the schedule of talks to be given during BEA. Unfortunately, I only attended one of them. The picture here is from the YA Editor’s Buzz Panel Tuesday morning and even though I got there right on time, the room was so packed I had to stand in the doorway. I take this as a very good sign for the future of YA literature! Interest is strong and only seems to be growing. I picked up all five of the books mentioned on the panel and they all look brilliant. Trying to figure out what to read first is a problem, but it’s a really great problem to have! 😀

One thing I found amusing every time I walked into the building was the ads. For example, the steps seemed to be brought to you by Cassandra Clare. The entire front entryway appeared to be sponsored by Dean Koontz (seriously–there were posters of his book on the doors, the floor, the walls, everywhere!). And I think a book trailer for one of James Patterson’s new books was practically on loop on the TVs. Honestly, it seemed like overkill for already established authors. Just a couple of signs that said, “Hey, don’t forget this author you already like has a new book coming out soon” probably would have been more than enough. I did like the steps, though. There was more to it than pictured here and I thought it ended up looking pretty cool.

As amazing as free books are, my favorite part of BEA was the people. Authors, publishers, blogger, book lovers, booksellers, and industry pros all gathering together in one place to celebrate their shared obsession is so much fun! I met authors like Shannon Hale (pictured here signing the new Princess Academy book), Diana Peterfreund, Rebecca Serle, Lauren Oliver, Yvonne Woon, Susane Colasanti, Maggie Stiefvater (who actually recognized me from a signing a YEAR AGO in Coral Gables O.O!), Ally Condie, Kody Keplinger, Elizabeth Miles, Elizabeth Eulberg, Dan Wells, Mike Mullin, Jenifer Armentrout, Jeri Smith-Ready, Angela Corbett, Myra McEntire, Jamie Manning, Tiffany Truitt, and so many more! There’s something incredibly inspiring about being around that many creative people in the same week. Inspiring and a little intimidating!  

That being said, free books were still pretty amazing. By the end of the day on Thursday, I’d collected sixty-six books. Sixty-six! And I was selective, taking only books I knew I’d actually read or that I planned on passing on to a family member. If I’d just let myself grab anything I saw, that number probably would have been in the three digit range. Because I promised I would, I added a list below the cut of the books I adopted during BEA. Overall, though, it was awesome. I definitely plan on attending next year. If everything in my plan goes right, I may be using the time to apartment hunt, too! Come hell or high water, I’m moving to that city in 2013!!

Tessa, Brenna, and Maggie signing their short story collection
The Curiosities

Four of the Pendrell authors and their publisher

Author Title Publisher Release
Accardo, Jus Touch Entangled
Adler-Olsen, Jussi The Absent One Dutton Aug-12
Albin, Gennifer Crewel PSG Oct-12
Banks, Maya Enticed by his Forgotten Lover Harlequin
Barclay, Linwood Trust Your Eyes Penguin Sep-12
Cahalan, Susannah Brain on Fire Fire Press Nov-12
Carr, Robyn Sunrise Point Mira Romance
Catmull, Katherine Summer and Bird Dutton Sep-12
Colbert, Stephen America Again: Re-Becoming the Greatness We Never Weren’t  Hatchette Oct-12
Colman, Rebecca Heaven Should Fall Harlequin Oct-12
Condie, Ally Matched Speak
Cooner, Donna Skinny Point Oct-12
Diaz, Junot This is How You Lose Her Riverhead Books Sep-12
Doty, M. Surviving High School Poppy Sep-12
Edwards, Selden The Lost Prince Dutton Aug-12
Ellison, Kate The Butterfly Clues Egmont
Gidwitz, Adam In a Glass Grimmly Dutton Sep-12
Gillham, David City of Women Putnam Aug-12
Gratton, Tessa & Stiefvater, Maggie & Yovanoff, Brenna The Curiosities: A Collection of Stories Carolrhoda Lab Oct-12
Gudenkauf, Heather One Breath Away Mira Jul-12
Hale, Shannon Princess Academy: Palace of Stone Bloomsbury Aug-12
Han, Jenny & Vivian, Siobhan Burn for Burn Simon & Schuster Sep-12
Herbert, Brian & Anderson, Kevin Hellhole Tor
Hurley, Tonya The Blessed Simon & Schuster Sep-12
Jobling, Curtis Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf Viking
Keplinger, Kody A Midsummer’s Nightmare Poppy Jun-12
Khoury, Jessica Origin Razor Bill Sep-12
Kingslover, Barbara Flight Behavior Harper Nov-12
Koryta, Michael The Prophet Little Brown Aug-12
Krumwiede, Lana Freakling Candlewick Press Oct-12
Lehane, Dennis Live by Night Morrow Oct-12
Levithan, David Every Day Knopf Aug-12
Maas, Sarah J. Throne of Glass Bloomsbury Aug-12
Magnum, Lisa After Hello Shadow Mountain Sep-12
Marr, Melissa Carnival of Souls Harper Sep-12
McCoy, Shirlee Running for Cover Love Inspired
McEntire, Myra Hourglass Egmont
Meloy, Maile The Apothecary Putnam
Messenger, Shannon Keeper of the Lost Cities Aladdin Oct-12
Miles, Elizabeth Fury Simon Pulse
Miles, Elizabeth Envy Simon Pulse Sep-12
Miller, Ashley Edward & Stentz, Zack Colin Fischer Razor Bill Nov-12
Moyes, Jojo Me Before You Viking Dec-12
Mullin, Mike Ashen Winter Tanglewood Oct-12
Oliver, Lauren The Spindlers Harper Sep-12
Patterson, James Confessions of a Murder Suspect Little Brown Sep-12
Paul, Fiona Venom Philomel Oct-12
Paver, Michelle Gods and Warriors Dial Aug-12
Pearce, Jackson Fathomless Little Brown Sep-12
Perry, John The Art of Procrastination Workman Sep-12
Rhodes, Morgan Falling Kingdoms Razor Bill Dec-12
Roberts, Sheila Better Than Chocolate Harlequin Oct-12
Saintcrow, Lillith The Iron Wyrm Affair Orbit Aug-12
Serle, Rebecca When You Were Mine Simon Pulse
Sheinmel, Courtney All the Things You Are Simon & Schuster
Spooner, Meagan Skylark Carolrhoda Lab Oct-12
Stiefvater, Maggie The Raven Boys Scholastic Press Sep-12
Straub, Emma Laura Lamont’s Life in Pictures Riverhead Books Sep-12
Thomson, Jamie Dark Lord *The Early Years Walker Oct-12
Tracey, Scott Demon Eyes Flux Oct-12
Truitt, Tiffany Chosen Ones Entangled
Various Authors The Atira International Book of Mysteries Atira Books
Wells, Dan The Hollow City Tor
Wiprud, Brian The Clause Midnight Ink Oct-12
Zhang, Kat What’s Left of Me Harper Sep-12

Recap: NYC

My trip started in the middle of the day on a Thursday (which, apparently, is a great time to fly because the flight had some extra space). I had a seat over the wing that was NOT an exit row. You have to pay extra for those now. Somehow I always end up getting placed one row behind or in front of them so I get to glare at the people with extra foot space. It was actually kind of nice to be trapped on a plane with my mom and my sister since our schedules don’t coincide often enough for us to spend hours together in a row like that. We landed in New York just before dinner and headed to one of my mom’s favorite Italian restaurants in Manhattan: Daniela’s.

Most of the time, our family weekend trips are busy, busy, busy with a lot of time spent in the TCKTS line for half-price Broadway shows. I’m not sure why, but this trip seemed a lot more relaxed. Maybe it was because I knew that even though my family would only be staying until Monday, I had ten whole days to enjoy the sights of the city. And to make the trip even better, the weather while we were there was cool and gorgeous!

One thing this trip definitely did was convince me I need to move to Manhattan. Specifically, I need to move into this townhouse on 10th Street near St Marks Church. And, coincidentally enough, it’s for sale! Yaaay! Anyone want to pool some money and buy it with me?

Friday night we went to see a now Tony-winning play called Peter and the Starcatcher. It’s based on the books by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson but not having read them I can’t tell how closely the play follows the original story. Honestly, though, it doesn’t matter. This show is GENIUS on so many levels. The actors were incredible (OMG BLACK STACHE!) and the script was brilliantly hilarious. I’m hoping they make a DVD with the original cast because I will buy it. Like, right now. If you make it to NYC before the cast changes, SEE THIS PLAY! So worth it, even if you have to pay full price for tickets, which after all their Tony nominations and wins, is very possible.

Another amazing thing about Manhattan? You never know who you’ll run into! We were walking down 6th Ave when we’re suddenly stopped by a man with a name badge and a walkie talkie. Apparently the sidewalk was closed for the filming of a movie called The Secret Life of Walter Mitty directed by and starring Ben Stiller and premiering in 2013! And so we crossed the street to watch for a moment (until more people with name badges and walkie talkies moved us along) and there he was! So I made use of my zoom and took a picture. 😀

Saturday morning we walked out of our hotel (which was right on 6th Ave) to find fifteen blocks of the road shut down for a street fair! White tented booths lined both sides of the Avenue and offered so many things. Food, clothes, jewelry, bed sheets, magnets (seriously, there was an entire booth with handcrafted magnets), recycled metal art, paintings, and general knick knacks. I managed to escape without spending more than $5 for which I am very proud of myself. Neither of my sisters were quite as lucky.

The unexpected beauty of NYC is one of the reasons I love it so much. If you keep your eyes open for it, there is art and little alcoves of nature tucked away everywhere. The garden pictured here is behind St Marks church on 10th. There are murals and sculptures in the subway stations and most of the buildings are works of art too. I can understand that a lot of people wouldn’t like New York because of the noise, the congestion, the close quarters, but I seriously question the sanity of people who have visited and don’t have a single good thing to say. Were their eyes even open when they walked through the streets? It’s hard to believe.  

Because it’s not just the streets, it’s the people, too. The talent you find just on the street corners is more than awe inspiring. It’s inspirational. At least, I find it inspirational. And for someone as naturally reclusive as I am, the sense of community and camaraderie I get when I’m in Manhattan is magnetic.

One of the last things we did before my family departed was see a play called End of the Rainbow. Starring Tracie Bennett, this play is about the comeback tour Judy Garland did just before her death. Powerful and tragic, it’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion and knowing you can’t do a thing to stop what’s coming. Before seeing it, someone described it as visceral. After seeing it, I agreed.

More to come! BEA, more shows on Broadway, and a couple of picture only posts because I have more than I know what to do with! 😀