Category Archives: Support

Writing: Sticking With It

Greatness is more than potential. It is the execution
of that potential. Beyond the raw talent. You need
the appropriate training. You need the discipline.
You need the inspiration. You need the drive.
– Eric A. Burns

The quote I put up today is an excellent reminder for me and anyone struggling in the pre-publication void of the writing world. It means working out plots and characters even when it’s the last thing you want to do. It means getting past the middle of a story even if you’ve finally seen all those problems your friend pointed out. It means never giving up no matter how many times someone says no. All you need is one yes.

Recently, I’ve been sick and trying to work enough hours to keep the electricity turned on, but I’ve been neglecting my stories. The thing is, I felt it. I felt the absence of that creative outlet in my daily routine and I missed it desperately. I didn’t have the energy to do anything about it, but that hole was definitely there. And that hole was only made larger by my sister’s semi-regular text messages asking when she was going to get the next installment of my latest story. 😉 As I’ve mentioned before, having someone waiting to hear what you have to say next is a great reason to get it out.

So my random lingering illness is fading and I have the energy and inclination to get back to what I love most. I find my fingers itching to find keys–whether on my phone or my laptop. My characters all start shouting directions at me and I have to choose which project I have to work on first, which character has the most to say, which one is going to explode if I don’t let them get their ideas out on paper. And, as always at times like these, I wonder how I ever thought I could ignore the noise for long.