Fireworks 2 (c) rawku5
I had a moment this morning where I realized that it is actually 2014. This shouldn’t have been a shock, but it was. Why?
BECAUSE MY DEBUT NOVEL RELEASES IN 2014! And I still haven’t really processed that truth.
So here it is, only three months away from my novel’s birthday, and I’ve been woefully neglectful of my website and the internet in general. I needed to unplug, though, and many things have shifted in my life the last few months. Good shift, but still. Headspace adjustments were needed. I switched day jobs for one, now teaching Literature in a very non-traditional setting, have been working on edits for Sing Sweet Nightingale, a fantasy project my agent and I love, and–most recently–book 2 in The Dream War Saga! The new day job doesn’t lock me in front of a computer for eight hours a day, so all of my internet obsessions ended up falling away one by one. But it’s New Years Day and I traditionally post my list of resolutions, so I’m going to keep that tradition.
First, a look at what I said I’d do in 2013:
1. I will finish two first drafts (of non-co-written books).
2. I will rewrite my book tentatively titled Pyrrhic Victory.
3. I will continue to work on getting myself out of the house to have some kind of social life.
4. I will not let more than two days pass without writing something, even if it’s only jotting down an idea that passes through my head.
5. I will attend at least three conferences/events this year.
6. I will keep trying to make myself work out.
7. I will keep up my blog schedule of posting three times a week on average.
8. I will start promoting Sing Sweet Nightingale — OMG YAY!
9. I will keep saving money to put toward moving out of Florida or taking my epic vacation. Or both.
10. I will take the next step toward becoming a full-time writer.
Overall, I think I made the wrong goals for how my year went. I can honestly say that I only succeeded at hitting the mark on numbers 5, 8, and 10. However, I did sign with a wonderful agent earlier this year (*waves at Danielle and Upstart Crow*) and have gotten involved with some wonderfully supportive writing groups like the OneFour Kid Lit team and a critique group with my agent-sister Tristina and the lovely Heather and Amber. In June I revealed the gorgeous cover for my novel in person at BEA. I got to visit my bestie Lani Woodland in November, and then celebrate the release of her awesome pirate fantasy Pieces of Jade in December. All-in-all, this has been a pretty fantastic year even if at the end of it it doesn’t look anything like I’d pictured it would.
So for next year?
1. Finish one new project for the agent-lady to fall in love with.
2. Attend at least four conferences/events.
3. Draft book 3 of The Dream War Saga.
4. Enlist someone with party-planning skills to help me host my launch party.
5. Figure out how to take good pictures of my necklaces so I can set up an Etsy store.
6. Read more.
7. Don’t let myself slack off on updating the website.
8. Figure out how to afford an RV so I can travel around the country.
9. Keep my fingers crossed that all the pies I have in the oven turn out well.
10. Take a vacation somewhere fun.
I don’t know what 2014 will bring, but whatever it is will probably be amazing. So, welcome, 2014! I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. Please play nice. 😉