First, I’m going to repost my friend Jamie Manning‘s welcome to help explain what Words for Hope is:
First off, let me say how horrified and heartbroken we all are over what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary on Friday, December 14, 2012. Tragic events like these serve as reminders that life can change in a second, and that loving others is what’s most important. Which is why I decided to create the Words for Hope auction!
I also want to say thank you to all of the amazing and talented authors who offered up a variety of awesome gifts for you all to bid on. It is kindness such as this that helps us navigate our way through dark times like these, so bless you all!
And a huge thank you to all of you, for taking time out of your busy days to stop by and bid on said awesome gifts–you all rock!
Visit the blog posts listed on the side bar to find info on how this will work, what to do if you win, and the stellar list of auctions going on. And thank you, again, for reaching out to help those in need!
When Jamie emailed me to ask for a donation, at first I was upset. My books aren’t out yet and I don’t have anything to give! But I have my advice and I have my time, so I have put something together and sent it to Jamie.
From 8 PM CST today (December 17th) to 8 PM CST tomorrow (December 18th) you can bid on a package of three things from me:
Tragedy is awful, but what really matters is how we pull together and work to make sure the same thing never happens again. Help make a difference by bidding on my item or anything else in the auction (to view a master list, click here). All money collected will go to help the families devastated by the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. Spread the word if you can and help us share the hope that things can get better from here.