Books: Intrinsical by Lani Woodland

Isn’t it pretty? Yeah. I know both the author and the woman who took that fantastic picture. It helps that they’re the same person, though, I guess… How did so much creativity and talent get packed into one (tiny) person? I don’t know, but it’s gloriously unfair. KIDDING, LANI! Well, about the unfair part, not about the talent. 😉

Intrinsical is a true young adult paranormal with all the juicy bits of a good love story and all the suspense of a good ghost story. Set in the Pendrell boarding school (which doesn’t exist, but the land it sits on does and OMG gorgeous), Intrinsical follows Yara as she arrives at this school expecting nothing more than boy trouble and homework stress because the long dominant trait of otherworldly communion seems to have skipped her. This hopeful outlook lasts only as long as it takes for her to set foot on Pendrell’s campus, for on her first day she intervenes in a spiritual attack on another student named Brent, saving his life and drawing the attention of a malicious spirit that appears to her as a black mist. Yara soon finds out that there is more to this new school than uniforms, curfews, and panoramic vistas. She becomes entangled in a sixty-year-old curse that endangers her life and the lives of everyone attending Pendrell including her best friend Cherie and her new flame Brent (yes, the boy whose live she saved. Isn’t it romantic?!).

Besides being one of the kindest, most awesome people I’ve ever met in my life and had the fortune to call a friend, Lani’s book is an engrossing read. And that picture really doesn’t do the cover justice. The book is available now in hardcover from Amazon and Barnes & Noble (unfortunately my bookstore is dropping the ball on this one, but I’m working on making sure Borders carries it soon, too), so stop by your local B&N branch and demand a copy!

Erica’s rating: 4/5

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