Category Archives: News

It’s a book!

Look what came today! It’s a book! Island of Exiles is a real thing, and there’s only a few more months until it’ll be a book that you guys can read too!

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I’m on LGBTQ Reads!

Today I’m featured on LGBTQ Reads! In the interview I talk about asexuality, MOGAI rep, books, writing, and more. I also compare the LGBTQ YA community to a dragon. Because of course. ?

Better Know an Author: Erica Cameron

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Apparently, Twitter approves of my new agent

Today I announced that I am officially represented by Eric Smith of P.S. Literary! And then both of our Twitter notifications exploded and didn’t stop for hours. I’m floored by the love, guys! Thank you so much! I never expected this much excitement over this news, but I’m ecstatic that everyone else is as happy with my new agent as i am! ?

It’s been a while since my previous agent and I split, but I had so much going on with my Entangled and Riptide books that I didn’t have the time to query. Or anything to query with, really. When both of those houses began asking me “What’s next?” though, I realized that I needed help. I started querying, and Eric Smith was one of the first I sent an email to.

I’d been following him on Twitter for a while, and he’s geeky, kind, and hilarious on social media, so when a wonderful friend of mine, Tristina Wright, added her recommendation to all the other things I already liked about Eric, it was hard not to hope that he’d say yes.

Then I got an email, a request for materials. All I had to send was a proposal package for the project I planned on writing next, so I sent that out and crossed my fingers. It only took a few days for me to get another email, and this one started with, “So I devoured that sampling today. Did you… did you finish anymore of it by any chance? That was such a tease! It’s SO GOOD I WANNA FINISH IT. :-)”

One phone call and week for me to field requests from other agents later, I officially accepted the offer from Eric Smith and P.S. Literary and signed to be represented by them. I am so happy about this decision, and I’m extremely excited to begin working with Eric! And apparently Twitter approves of my decision, too, because there was far more excitement and enthusiasm for my announcement than I ever expected. So, thank you for that, and be sure to look for more news from Eric and me soon! (hopefully ;))

What American Apparel did and why it matters

AmericanApparel-AllyBagIt’s Pride month, and companies are shwoing their support. Which is fantastic. One day we’ll get to the point where people won’t have to SAY that they’re decent human beings who accept that everyone is different, but until that day it’s important for those marginalized by society to know who’s standing with them against a sometimes scary world.

They need to know who their allies are.

What they don’t need are those allies erasing a segment of the population who are marginalized even within a marginalized group. But that’s what American Apparel, HRC, and the Ally Coalition have done with at least one product in American Apparel’s line. Instantly, the asexual, aromantic, and agender comunities stood up and shouted, “NO!” They joined forces behind activist Tiffany Rose and demanded that American Apparel #GiveItBack.

Why? Because A is not for Ally. A is for Asexual, Aromantic, and Agender.

We’ve screamed into the social media void about this before, but this is the first time we’ve ever heard social media echo back at us quite this loudly. The story was picked up by Buzzfeed, Fusion, Refinery 29, Seventeen, and Yahoo. It was amazing, and so encouraging.

Then American Apparel “apologized.”


This is not an apology. This is not a retraction. This is not a promise to do better in the future. This is nothing. All this does is tell us one thing: Yes we saw you, and we know you’re upset, but these other people are more important than you.

I had let other people do the shouting until then, boosting their voices when I could. Seeing that apology enraged me. I don’t usually let things get to me the way this did, but it hit a chord. The wrong one at the wrong time. Or maybe it was the right one at the right time. I wasn’t sure then, and I’m still not.

Sure or not, I took to Twitter and tried to explain to the world why this matters at all. It’s just a bag, and it’s just a word, right?


So what’d I say? You can view the thread on Twitter here, on the Storify site here, or embedded below.

I am a massive dork.

Will I be carrying my swag for the Barnes & Noble events this weekend in a Civil War lunchbox? You bet I am. ?

If you’re in South Florida, come see me!

On Friday evening at 7pm and Sunday afternoon at 2pm I’ll be at the Fort Lauderdale store on Federal Highway (

On Saturday I’ll be in Plantation at the store near Broward Mall (

If you’re in the area, stop by and see me at one of these events! I’ll have one copy of my upcoming book ASSASSINS: DISCORD to give away each day, but you have to be present to win.

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LOOK WHAT I GOT TODAY! #Discord is a real thing that I can hold in my hands now, everyone! It’s so gorgeous and I’m so happy and I CANNOT WAIT until you guys can read it! It comes out in a couple months. Have you pre-ordered your copy yet?

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A cover, a description, and a preorder link!

Did you know my next release was about a female, bisexual assassin-thief? Have I told you yet that it’s essentially Spy vs Spy meets Romeo and Juliet (except it’s Juliet and Juliet!)? Was it possibly mentioned that I have the coolest, movie-poster-like cover EVER for this book?!

The time has finally come! I can tell you all those things and more!!

There was a great piece in Foreword Reviews about the launch of Triton Books, Riptide Publishing’s new YA imprint, and they included the cover of my book! Which means that it’s out in the wild and I can share it here, too!!!


Isn’t is gorgeous?! It’s perfect for my bloody little book! 😀

Below, there’s more information to share! Like the cover copy from the back of the book and LINKS FOR YOU TO PREORDER THIS BEAUTY!

Title: Discord
Series: Assassins, Book 1
Release: September 2016
ISBN: 978-1-62649-422-0
Publisher: Triton Books/Riptide Publishing

Buy it from: Riptide/Triton | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book DepositoryBooks-A-Million | IndieBound

Add this book on Goodreads.

Kindra’s moral compass has never pointed north, but that’s what happens when you’re raised as an assassin and a thief. At sixteen, she’s fantastic with a blade, an expert at slipping through the world unnoticed, and trapped in a life she didn’t chose. But nothing in her training prepares her for what happens when her father misses a target.

In the week-long aftermath, Kindra breaks rank for the first time in her life. She steals documents, starts questioning who their client is and why the target needs to die, botches a second hit on her father’s target, and is nearly killed. And that’s before she’s kidnapped by a green-eyed stranger connected to a part of her childhood she’d almost forgotten.

Kindra has to decide who to trust and which side of the battle to fight for. She has to do it fast and she has to be right, because the wrong choice will kill her just when she’s finally found something worth living for.

Leave a comment! What would you like to get if you preorder the book? Signed bookplate? A button? Something else? Leave a suggestion and it might be part of the swag pack I send out for preorders!

I’m so excited for this book, guys! I cannot wait until September! 😀

A Reviewer Appreciation Giveaway!

Have you posted a review of one of my books online anywhere? If so, I want to say thank you! Until 5.31.16, I’m hosting a reviewer appreciation giveaway! It’s open internationally and all you have to do to enter is submit links to your reviews. The grand prize is everything pictured here! So go enter! Http://

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YA Book-tionary at RT16

This should be such a fun event! I can’t wait for April!

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I was featured on the B&N Teen blog!

The wonderfully talented Michael Waters asked to interview me for a two-part feature about queer YA authors, and of course I was ecstatic and said yes! Part one of the series is out now and you can read about me, Anna-Marie McLemore, and Fox Benwell. Below is a snippet from each of our segments:

Fox Benwell is known around Twitter for his tireless queer and disability activism, his dog and cat photos, and his impeccable taste in ties. The author of The Last Leaves Falling (published under the name Sarah Benwell), he is genderfluid transmasculine and has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/fibromyalgia. Because of the marginalization he has faced, he is committed to creating safe, intersectional spaces for people like him. “It’s important to me to try to be the kind of visible role model I wish I’d always had—to do what I can to make things better for the next generation.”

For Anna-Marie McLemore, magical realism is an essential staple of both her writing and her cultural heritage. As a queer Mexican-American girl, she grew up reading the genre—she cites magical realism novels such as Laura Esquivel’s Like Water for Chocolate as the reason she fell in love with literature. Now, they are the reason she writes it.

To McLemore, writing magical realism comes naturally. “[Magical realism’s] heart is the intermixing of the ordinary and the ethereal, and I fell into that easily both because it felt right for my work and because it’s where I come from. The origins of magical realism hold close the idea of culture and community, and rising out of the forces that try to hold down your culture and community. It’s a worldview that feels true to who I am and where my stories live.”

Photo Credit: Lani Woodland

Photo Credit: Lani Woodland

Erica Cameron is fighting for visibility. As an asexual author writing asexual characters, she is working to make her identity known and normalized in the public consciousness. Asexuality—describing individuals who experience little or no sexual attraction to anyone—is frequently misunderstood. Even people familiar with its definition may not fully grasp why, for example, there are asexual awareness marches.

Cameron is well aware of this. “What they don’t realize is that we’re not fighting for rights, we’re fighting for recognition,” she says.

Read the full article here!