Giveaways: Happy (Almost) Birthday To Me!

In honor of my birthday, I’m giving away presents! Seems odd, doesn’t it? Oh well! It’s fun.

Between midnight tonight and midnight on May 11th, you will be able to enter a contest to win one of two prizes. First prize will be a custom designed necklace made by me. Second place will be a custom designed bracelet. Hopefully sometime before then I’ll have enough designs made to set up an etsy or an artfire shop so you’ll be able to look at some of the things I’ve made to get an idea of what you’d like me to create for you should you win. In the meantime, enter away! Most of the entries are one time only, but posting once a day on Facebook and Twitter get you extra entries! Also, because this is a special month and a special contest, the contest will be open internationally!

One of the entries asks for a blog comment, a comment specifically answering the question, if money were no object, what would you want for your birthday this year?

My answer? Four back-to-back cruises on the Holland America line that would take me around the entire world in about a year.

A girl can dream, right? 🙂

Good luck!!

/*{literal}{/literal}*/ a Rafflecopter giveaway<a href=””>You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.  


6 thoughts on “Giveaways: Happy (Almost) Birthday To Me!

  1. Ailsa

    Well, I already had my birthday, but if money were no object, I'd like membership for the World Fantasy Con 2013, which is in England next year 🙂 I want it kind of a lot, so I'm thinking of buying it as a Christmas/Birthday present to myself, hehe. I just think, while it's in the same country as me, it would be a really cool thing to do.

    Hope you have a great birthday when it comes!


  2. Shadow

    Happy Birthday!! Thanks for letting us celebrate with you! If money werent an object, id want to take my family to scotland and ireland. We'd have a blast! 🙂 Id explore, visit castles, etc. 🙂

  3. Sera Phyn

    Ooooh! Scotland is amazing! I was there a long time ago with my family and we got lucky with a week of absolutely PERFECT weather. I'm sure you'd enjoy it!

    Thanks for visiting!


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