Rome, Italy (photos byericacameron)
Via:: Tumblr Photography
Even though it’s kind of expected, I didn’t do an official launch party for the release of my debut novel Sing Sweet Nightingale. Instead, I had a whole release weekend of events! It was busy and crazy and so many levels of amazing I don’t even know how to describe it.
Plans for this weekend o’ awesome began last year when my editress Danielle Ellison warned me to block out the weekend of March 8th. “You’re going to be in Virginia,” she said. Since I had no reason to protest, I didn’t! I started making plans to join my editress, her bookstore One More Page, and the Arlington Central Library at Washington Lee High School in Arlington, Virginia for the inaugural NoVaTEEN Book Festival.
Turns out that it was going to be more than just the festival! On Friday, I joined Diana Peterfreund at Yorktown High School in Arlington, Virgina to talk to two different groups. Since this was my first ever school visit, I was really nervous, but it went so well! The kids were respectful and interested and they asked good questions. Lelia from One More Page Bookstore in Arlington coordinated the event for us and she was so sweet! All in all, it was a great morning.
Saturday was the main event, NoVaTEEN Book Festival at Washington Lee High School! It started with a keynote speech by the incredible Phyllis Reynolds Naylor at 10 and ended with a group signing at 4. In between were larger panels in the school’s auditorium and smaller sessions in several of the nearby classrooms. I joined Jon Skovron and Lea Nolan for a “breakout session” at 11 where we spent a lot of time discussing the different constructs of hell and then I got to sit back and listen to other people talk for a couple of hours before my own main-stage panel! At 3, I joined fellow debut author Elle Cosimano and veteran Victoria Schwab along with moderators Elisa Nader and Aimee Agresti for a discussion on Bad Boys and why they’re so amazingly attractive. I got to talk about my early love for the rogue George Cooper from Tamora Pierce’s Alanna series and what makes the difference between a bad boy and a villain. Somehow, I didn’t make a fool of myself, so I call the whole day a win!
Sunday, I headed to Alexandria, Virginia for a solo signing and talk at the cutest bookstore: Hooray for Books! During the event, we revealed the title for The Dream War Saga, book 2: Deadly Sweet Lies. The staff was fantastic and I hope I get to go back there soon!
And then, Monday, my mom, my uncle, and I spent the afternoon at the International Spy Museum while I played #iSpy with Marni Bates on Twitter. It was a blast!
So now, pictorial proof:
But that’s not all!
I flew home Tuesday morning, grabbed lunch, rushed to work, made my students write essays because I didn’t have anything else prepared for them, rushed home, jumped online, and did an hour-long live chat with the girls from Reading With Me! We gave away prizes and I answered a lot of questions. But don’t worry! Even if you missed the live event, you can still watch the whole video on YouTube! Or by clicking play on the video below:
Phew! Now I’m home and a little sad because all of those awesome things are over! But now I get to start working on my thriller work in progress again and then jump into edits on DEADLY, so I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to keep busy! 😉
I just want to say one last thank you to everyone who made this weekend so special. There’s far too many people to list individually, so just know that if I saw or spoke to you this weekend, you’re part of the list. Thank you so much! <3
I’m back from NYC! This is actually a bad thing since I didn’t want to come home, but whatever. Wish I could say Florida has better air conditioning, but right now it doesn’t. The AC at my day job seems to be busted. FUN TIMES IN SUMMER, LET ME TELL YOU.
I should be used to being hot by now considering I’ve spent the last 28 years in Florida and the last week walking around Manhattan in the middle of a heat wave, but I’m not. At this point, I don’t think I ever will be.
So what was I doing in the city for a week? LOTS. And nothing. It was strange.
I did get to see an awesome play called Masha & Sonia & Vanya & Spike with David Hyde Pierce (and Sigourney Weaver usually, but she had the night off). It was hilarious and, to top it off, we got to meet David Hyde Pierce after the show, get our Playbills signed, and take a picture! He was super nice and really funny. My sisters and I told him that he reminded us of our uncle (because, really, they could be TWINS) and he laughed. And then asked the next people who requested a picture who he reminded them of. I definitely recommend going to see this play if you’re in NYC. Especially while David is still a part of the cast.
What else did I see, you ask? I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED!
I saw Once. That by itself would be amazing enough, but I got to see Once with ARTHUR DARVILL. He may be better known as Rory or The Last Centurion from Doctor Who. Whatever you know him as (or even if you don’t know him at all), this musical was incredible. Unique, touching, funny, beautifully performed, captivating… I could keep pouring descriptors into this paragraph and it wouldn’t be enough. Fantastic show with beautiful music and an extraordinarily talented cast! Like with M&S&V&S, my sisters and I waited to get the Playbill signed. And we did! Almost the entire cast signed our books except Arthur, who I think wasn’t feeling well and left through another entrance. We were sad to miss him but extremely happy that he performed that night!
Other highlights of my trip include visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art and stalking their armor and weapons exhibit, taking pictures for the fantasy book I’m working on. I loved those rooms. SWORDS AND ARMOR AND GUNS, OH MY! It was really cool. I also got a lot of design ideas for my own fantasy world. Fun, fun, fun!
On top of that, I had lunch with the wonderful Michael Stearns from Upstart Crow, the matchmaker who set me up with Danielle Chiotti, agent extraordinaire. It’s always fun to talk to him and I was really happy to get the chance to see him again. Luckily, my beautiful agent was ALSO visiting the city and I got to meet her for lunch on Friday! Our first meeting in person. It kind of felt like our hundred-first. 😀
I saw a comedy show, went to a wedding at a zoo (yes, seriously), walked all over the island of Manhattan, hung out with the incredible Asja and the beautiful Britta from Spencer Hill, ate way too much food, spent time with family, and reveled in being part of one of my favorite cities in the U.S. It was a fantastic week and now I have to go back to normal life.
Honestly, I’m glad I have behind the scenes projects to look forward to and Sing Sweet Nightingale edits to focus on because otherwise coming back to this day job would be too depressing to contemplate. But I’m here! Even if I’m procrastinating actually doing any work by writing this blog post. WHATEVER, OKAY?! I’ve neglected the blog for too long. This post was overdue. So is most of my day job work, but I’m ignoring that fact for the moment.
Here’s hoping one or all of the amazing things in the works happens soon! Here’s hoping my day job will soon consist only of blog posts and world building and emails with editors an agents.
Here’s hoping. <3
I got home from my weekend-long trip to Washington, D.C. this evening and I really want to go back! D.C. itself is a really interesting city and I’ve kind of fallen for Maryland. It’s a beautiful area and it holds some of my favorite people!
I’m a little too wiped out to post much now, but some time in the next few days I’ll post a recap with some pictures. Only a couple, though, because most of the pictures I took I’m not allowed to share! The reason for the trip (besides getting to spend time with my fabulous editresses) was COVER SHOOTS! All I can say right now, guys, is that this is going to be SO EPIC. I’m so looking forward to seeing the final designs and am looking forward to sharing them with you even more!
Until next time, loves!
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Washington (c) rendo79 |
Tomorrow, lovelies, I leave my day job at five, drive over to the airport, get on a plane, and land in our nation’s capital city: Washington, D.C.!
I won’t be in the city much because everything I’m going for the five days I’m in the area happens in either Maryland or Virgina, but it’s going to be amazing. It could be happening in Antarctica and I’d be happy!
What things, you may ask? Lots of them. Mostly, though, I get to spend quality time with my wonderful editresses Danielle and Patricia and talk about all things The Dream War Saga! The weekend will be a book-centric time and I am SO FREAKING EXCITED ABOUT THIS TRIP! Is it tomorrow yet?! Why can’t it be tomorrow yet?!
**deep breath**
Right. Okay. I’m fine! I think.
On top of book things, though, I get to meet in person a lot of really cool online friends and hang out in an area of the country that actually knows what winter feels like! For this Florida girl, that is awesome!
I’ll be posting pictures and things on Twitter through the weekend, so if you’re not already following me (@byericacameron), go fix that!
Now, please excuse me. I have to go do ALL THE THINGS at the day job today so I can take the whole next week off!!! 😀
I started double checking my calendar for scheduled events to make sure nothing important overlapped and I realized OMG. I’m going to be really freaking busy this year!
Between book and personal trips/events/weddings, I will be visiting Miami (three times), Manhattan (twice), Maryland, Vegas, Orlando, and a few other places I haven’t decided on yet. Considering that in 2012 I was lucky to go to BEA in Manhattan once, I’m so looking forward to this year of epic travel plans! I’ve also signed myself up to write four books, am about to tackle the edits on Sing, Sweet Nightingale and still have to fit my day job in there somewhere because it’s paying my bills right now.
If anyone ever suggests becoming a writer means you’ll have a lot of spare time, I might die laughing. 😉
I’ll post pictures and updates here and on Twitter/Facebook as the year goes by, so keep checking back to see all the exciting things in store for us this year!
Now I should probably go back to the day job before they realize I’m not doing anything…