Writing: My Milestones

This past weekend was phenomenal both for the family time I enjoyed and the writing milestones I hit.

First, on Saturday I broke 100,000 words! Yaaaaay!

This meant that, no matter what, I’d reached my personal writing goal for the year of writing 100,000 words. However, I hadn’t quite reached The End. No, that’s not right. I’d technically reached the end of the book, but there were still pieces missing, bits I had to go back and fill in because I hadn’t been sure how the timeline would work or what to put there. Not many, but enough for me to hesitate calling it finished.

Well, I’m not hesitating any more.

It’s here! I’ve hit The End!

Let the editing begin. πŸ˜€

4 thoughts on “Writing: My Milestones

  1. Sera Phyn

    Thank you! I'm getting everything organized for my edit, but I don't know exactly when I'm going to start it. Probably not until after I get back from a business trip the second week of December. Maybe I'll use the time to start developing book 2! πŸ˜‰

  2. Sera Phyn

    Hmm… That's very strange. Mine showed up directly underneath the place where you enter your word count on the "edit novel info" page. If you can't find it there, try emailing one of the people at OLL.Hope your validation works! Good luck! πŸ™‚

  3. Ailsa

    Wooo! Congratulations on hitting 100k, and on reaching 'The End'. πŸ™‚
    When I finished a story earlier in the year, the hardest part after that was leaving the story along for a few weeks before I got to the editing. I knew I needed to have a fresh pair of eyes as it were to look at the story, but I really wanted to get straight in to things!
    Good luck with the editing.



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