Writing: News and Newness

A friend of mine has recently decided to get serious about making the first steps on the path to publication. She’s previously dabbled in quite a few writing worlds, but none that offered “professional” publication. Since I firmly believe that writers at all levels can learn from writers at all levels, I’m going to link to her blog: The Chronicles of Emily Cross.

Writing is all about learning from mistakes, watching others make mistakes, taking those mistakes and creating a character who lives through them to show the rest of the world how to avoid those mistakes. 😉 Writing is about teaching, about learning, about living experiences and committing them to paper. Writing is a love affair and a broken heart. It’s a roller coaster and a sinking ship. It’s a ride in a hot air balloon and a freefall from five thousand feet. ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

Why am I saying all this? To encourage you to head over to Emily’s page and give her the encouragement she needs to make it through the gauntlet of publication in one piece. If you can’t do it for her, do it in the hopes that someone would return the favor if it was you walking this road.

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