The paperback of my debut novel, Sing Sweet Nightingale, has been available for pre-order for a while, but just today I saw that the Kindle and Kobo e-books are finally up as well! So far, the Nook version isn’t live, but I’ll be sure to link that when it comes up too.

Asja (in glasses) and me Summer 2013
Also, my friend Asja recently interviewed me on Tangled Up In Words! This is probably cheating a little since Asja is basically like one of my sisters, but that makes it even more fun! The interview is long and contains lots of stories about SING and the last year of my life, so make sure you check it out!
Also, just in case you haven’t heard, SING releases in less than a month!! And it has been hinted that paperback pre-orders of the book may release into the wild a little early! Pre-orders also get you a lot of bonus entries (and a ton of cool points) in my ongoing contest, fyi. The grand prize package is pretty amazing. It includes a YEAR of free books from my publisher, an amethyst necklace inspired by SING, amazing books by Christina Farley and Vivi Barnes, swag from SING, plus a gift card! You don’t have to pre-order anything to enter, but you get a better chance of winning if you do! And if you’ve already ordered the book, that counts! The order doesn’t have to be placed within the contest time. Existing orders are just as good! Better, even, since you did it without the bribe. 😉
That’s all for now! More will definitely be coming soon, though. We’re getting to the time when interviews and blog posts and reviews will start popping up all over the place! In other words, I’m going to be very busy for the next two months… O.O